A warrant can cause a great deal of trouble for you if you don’t respond to it promptly and properly. If a warrant was issued for your arrest or the arrest of a family member, I can assist you in protecting your legal rights and reaching the best possible outcome. In general, my goal will be to keep you or your loved one out of jail.
Different Types Of Warrants
An arrest warrant can be issued with regard to many types of offenses or alleged crimes, from minor offenses like unpaid traffic tickets and missed child support payments to parole violations and serious felonies. A search warrant, which is issued by a court, can give law enforcement authorities access to your home, vehicle, computer or other property.
Advice, Negotiation And Protection When A Warrant Has Been Issued
At Steven J. Sherlag, P.C., in Portland, I know how to deal with warrants. As a confident, forceful criminal defense attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and extensive criminal trial experience, I can protect your rights and interests in minimizing the impact of a warrant on your life and your family. Specifically, I can assist you by:
- Negotiating on your behalf with prosecutors, detectives or agents
- Advising you regarding questioning — you should not answer questions while under arrest or custody without talking to a lawyer first
- Researching and understanding the criminal investigations and/or charges you may be facing, which may include drug matters, violent crime accusations or weapons violations
- Fighting for you in state or federal court when necessary
Contact Me For Advice
If you have questions about warrants from Oregon or another state, police procedures or any other criminal matter, I can answer them. Contact me for a free, confidential consultation.