Statutory Rape Defense
In Oregon, statutory rape generally refers to situations in which sex between two people was consensual. However, the age of consent in Oregon is 18, which means that a person under 18 is not considered mature enough, legally, to have the capacity to agree to sexual activity.
Statutory rape charges can be filed when there is evidence that a person over the age of 18 had sex with a minor, though a juvenile can be charged with statutory rape for engaging in sex with a person who is more than three years younger.
In many cases, men in their late teens and early 20s are charged with a crime in relation to their teenage girlfriends. In other situations, the case may stem from a girl’s false representation of her age to an older man. Under Oregon law, false representation of age is not a defense in statutory rape cases; an age difference of less than three years can be a viable defense.
If you are charged with statutory rape, talk to an attorney right away — do not talk to the police about the case until you have obtained legal advice. If you are convicted of a sex crime against a minor, the consequences could be life-changing: jail time and long-term sex offender registration, which can have a profound impact on many areas of your life, are among the possible penalties.
I Am Thoroughly Experienced With Charges Of Statutory Rape
At the law firm of Steven J. Sherlag, P.C., in Portland, I represent clients charged with sex offenses, including statutory rape. As a criminal defense lawyer with more than 20 years of experience, I protect the legal rights of clients accused of offenses such as:
- Third-degree rape or sexual assault
- Sodomy, which can refer to oral sex with a minor
- Unlawful sexual penetration
- Sexual abuse
- Forcible compulsion
- Forcible rape
- Contribution to the sexual delinquency of a minor
I understand that relationships can be more complicated than meets the eye; I also understand the strict nature of Oregon laws that pertain to sex crimes. Being accused of statutory rape is a serious matter. I can help you protect your legal rights.
Contact Me Today
Contact me for advice about your situation. I can answer your questions and help you understand your options for defense. Call me today.