What appears to be harassment by one party is often seen as nothing more than an attempt to start or continue a relationship by the other party. Under our American legal code, determining when free speech ends and where intimidating harassment begins is often more complex than other areas of domestic law.
I am attorney Steven Sherlag, in Portland, Oregon. For more than 20 years, I have been representing clients in Multnomah County, Washington County, Clackamas County, Columbia County and Yamhill County on both sides of the domestic violence issue involving malicious stalking and aggravated harassment. I practice primarily in the area of criminal defense, but I am also a civil litigation attorney and have helped many victims of harassment sue for relief and redress from another person’s harassing actions.
If you feel you have been falsely accused of harassment or need to seek protection through the courts by petitioning for a restraining order or a stalking protective order, call my office in Portland.
What To Do If You Are Being Harassed
Harassment and stalking are almost always connected to a divorce or breakup of a domestic relationship. If you are being stalked or harassed, immediately notify the police. Then call my office. Keep a record of all actions that you feel were acts of harassment, including records of phone calls and emails you may have received. I will explain how the criminal court system views harassment as far as a criminal offense. I will also explain how to use the courts to protect yourself. If you already have a restraining order in place against the other party, there may be civil actions you can take, as well.
What To Do If You Are Being Falsely Accused Of Harassment
It is a common tactic in divorce cases to claim the other party is guilty of harassment or other forms of domestic violence. If you have had a restraining order placed against you that you feel is unjustified, you may be the target of your spouse’s strategy to win custody or obtain a more favorable ruling regarding a property settlement or spousal support. The next step may be to face criminal charges and penalties for harassment can be harsh. Call my office right away. We will review the accusations against you and determine whether there is legal recourse you can take to remove the orders or protect yourself from possible charges. Keep all records of emails, telephone calls and correspondence you may have had with the accusing party.